
the Valcor Enterprise

hello there, masih dalam rangka b-day week nih... walaupun sudah lewat, cuman gue masih seneng ajah.. anyway gue cuman mau cerita soal ulang taun huhuhu.. soalnya yg taun ini kayaknya the best ever.

the reason are: 1st it's full of surprises, 2nd because i've celebrated it 24hr nonstop, 3rd because i've received a surprise sms yg cukup membuat gue yg udah excited ini menjadi hiperaktif, 4th two of my friends which i haven't been in contact for so long give me a call... i really appreciate the time and efford, considering they both lived outside bne.
ulang taun kali ini berkesan bgt buat gue, soalnya smuanya serba spontan, no plans, org2 cuman dateng ajah ke apt. i had a good time serving them as my guest, and i think my guests had a good time staying at my place (GR.red).