
rainy days

i finally got to enjoyed transjakarta, the so called busway. it was fun. we went to Mangdu. i didn't bought a lot of stuff there, because i didn't really need a lot of stuff, i only want 1 thing and 1 thing only, but i didn't find it there. a bit disappointed but, that's ok. it's not really that important anyway.
there're good news and bad news, the good news is that i think i have a crush on someone, the bad news is as usual i don't know what to do next. more bad news... sometimes i still thought about my ex. i guess it had to stop, we had a different visions about life and how we are going to enjoyed it. i guess when you get older, those are more important in a relationships.
what've i been doing lately? read, read, and read... it's been a week of intesive reading, but still haven't finished that Angels and Demons' novel. i wonder how can ppl read just 1 night or 2?


me, myself and the future

hola, so..i've made up my mind, i've chosen my classes and i've enroled. i do not know why i've chose those classes.
beberapa hari yg lalu gue sempet ngobs ama temen gue, doi masih sma tapi udah punya rencana dia nanti mau kerja di bidang apa, udah nyiap2in diri buat industrinya. trus besoknya gue telp2an ama temen gue yg satu angkatan tp beda jurusan, dia jg udah punya gambaran mau kerja yg bagaimana, dimana, padahal dia baru lulus 1.5 th lagi. sebagai org luar gue merasa temen gue ini emang agak idealis sih, sementara yg masih sma itu gue blg lebih bisa ngeliat keadaan, ataukah dia jg membaca artikel yg sama dng gue? terus terang gue jg jd mikir sih, gue masuk tipe yg mana ya? and again to be brutally honest, i'm not even considered as one of the best student in my class, jadi gue sendiri skg nggak berani berandai2 tempat gue kerja nanti. padahal rencananya gue mau mempergunakan waktu libur ini buat berpikir keras merencanakan langkah gue selanjutnya setelah gue lulus kuliah taun ini. sepertinya rencana itu gagal.... karena gue nya sendiri jg lg nggak stabil, terlalu banyak pertanyaan2 yg masih belum terjawab.
huhuhu... ya sud tampaknya gue sdh hrs tdr.... c ya