
garfield's eyes

hi... blog hari ini pake ind saja ya. gue lagi cape bgt, habis memeras otak utk brainstrom depression brochure (and i think i needed to check myself.red). trus rencananya gue malem ini mau ngetes fonts yg cocok buat dep bro, but setelah online.. ngecheck e-mail have a bit of chat and..this guy suddenly appears...

dia temen sma gue duls, emang sih gue dari dulu suka bantuin dia bikin pr walaupun kita beda jurusan (dia IPS gue IPA huhu..) dan gue jg suka nebs dia kalo pergi2 (susahnya kalo nggak bisa nyetir akibat kaki tidak sampai ketika mengijak pedal.red). but tonight is different he said hi... dan basa basi sebentar... and then.. ta da..'val could you help me with my assignment..? pls..' i couldn't say no at first..but then i realise he haven't done his assignment because he was slacking off in class.. and dia minta gue research prnya dia (agak maksa lagi.red) waduh... untung jg sih alasan gue masuk akal jadi he let me go... beside kita benar2 beda jurusan.

terus terang ajah gue kecewa, those ppl like him only came to me when they need me but none of them were there when i'm 'down'. none of them were avaiable.