
not much

well, not much i can tell you right now.. hmm.. the latest news is that i got a job >_< yeah ahahahahaha finally. what drives me mad is that, on my 1st day of work i got a call from another agency, saying that i got to be in their office by 2morrow 4 an interview ... hmm -_- (knp disaat tdk dibutuhkan lagi barulah telponku berdering.red)

all i can say is that all of my projects turn out to be disaster! (honestly i feel like i'm gonna get fired in the next month or two.red). entah karena panik dng lingkungan baru ato emang otak gue masih dormant, but i loose my touch -_-...

lately i've realise that it's really easy to loose something over a silly things. really really stupid. if you thing about it...