today i learn that as you grow older there are things that better left unspoken and that frightens me. my greatest fear is if i'm unable to speak my mind. i think i owe an appology to someone, i'm really sorry for being such an annoying person this last 2 days, please watch HP3 with SOC and don't worry about me, i can watch it with my sisters.
i'm a bit disappointed today because once again, i can't get my hands on the things that i've longing to have, the thing that i think could help in boosting my career and the worst part is i don't have a plann B! hmm... (sigh) -_-
now i'm worried, what my life's gonna be? will i get a job once i graduate? where should i live, Jakarta or Brisbane? and i'm affraid if i'm not gonna be able to coupe with all this. alright enough, this thinking made my head dizzy!!!
i guess i better make a list of the things i ought to do this holiday:
1. read Thinking Creatively
2. meet Agnes
3. black and white photo experiment
4. swimming in the middle of winter
5. photo session with Angiverl
6. return Erick's book
7. CityCat adventure
8. cut my hair (to Ian, aku cuma mau ngerapiin bawahnya kok)
9. meet Phia
10. bake muffins with Angiverl
11. membalas surat2 penggemar >_<
and my plan for christmas holiday is to meet:
1. Ian
2. Maria and Pade
3. Mia
4. Soleh and Dora
5. Findi
6. Alvin
hmm, who else? yg jelas sih gue kalo bisa, sebisa mungkin nggak ketemu ama those bloody 'hippos'!!!!