i'm not getting better, it's getting worst!!!!! and the ironic part is it's all my fault!!! someone BT gara2 gue lagi BT, yeah right!!!! it's all my fault. gosh, i guess i'm a very bad person!!! it's the price of being very young, very angry and very bold!!!
at times like these i wish my best friend is here, my mom. she always know what to do to fixed things up. and i feel like i disappointed her, she always say to me, never to expect anyone to understand you. but i did, i did expect my friends to understand me, because i thought if i tried to understand them, they would tried to understand me, but i was wrong and my mom is right. or maybe they've tried to understand me, but they just can't because i'm such a complex person and it's hard to keep paste with me.
nobody can understand me, what did i do wrong? i've never asked any of my friends to change their personalities, why do you guys wanna change mine?