hari ini pake bahasa indo ajah ya... otak gue sedikit error nih... dari tadi baca Walter Benjamin's 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' tapi nggak maju2 dari paragraph pertama hahaha...
seperti biasa malem ini gue ada SOC uplate, maklumlah berhub para anggota SOC nggak ada yg ngapelin (co gue berada nun jauh disana) jadi ya acara goss di malam hari itu perlu. cuman hari ini kita tidak ngegoss sih, in fact we're talking about serious matter, the future. all the other SOC members are freaking out about turning 20, for me since i'm already 20, so i'm not making a big fuss out of it. to be honest i'm more concern with healing my wounds. i know... everyone i know already told me...u gotta move on, let it go, jgn suka mikirin yg udah berlalu! do u think i don't wanna moved on? i do, i do wanna forget all of that, but the wound cuts too deep. i was too young too coupe with all that! everytime i tried to moved on there's always something that holds me back. gosh i better stop now, otherwise i'll become the sarcastic valcory. anyway the best solution i've come up with is to pray to God everynight, so that He would heal my wounds.
anyway, i gotta make it clear to my bf, i was mad at you, because i was waiting for u and u asked me to go to bed, and i was mad at u because i thought u ignored me. i'm not mad anymore, sorry to make u worried.
hari ini ol ketemu temen sd gue, sebenarnya musuh bebunyutan gue sih, soalnya dia suka narik rambut gue waktu sd! sebel deh... ternyata temen sd gue itu satu uni ama co gue, dan kayaknya hampir semua temen sd and smp gue satu campus ama co gue (or at least satu kota ama co gue)!
emang dasar alvin nggak pernah berubah, kerjaannya nyelain gue mulu, masa co gue dibilang tua! enak ajah co gue nggak tua! mana gue nggak boleh offline lagi... it just funny how some ppl will never change.