today was supposed to be a happy day, at least that was my expectations. boy...i was wrong in so many ways. i'm tired because i haven't had a good night sleep. i know i'm rushing all of my assignment just b4 it's due. but i can handle those stuff if i didn't have any emotional burden. i'm sorry readers, this time i can't spill it out, not even with codes.
anyhoo, today i saw a 'predator' with a cute face, a slick, an eel with an innocent face. i wonder if anyone noticed her, or is it just me. what she did in class today, shocked me. i can't really describe my feelings..but yuks....ough... ih.... to be honest it scared the ***** out of me. i gotta watch my back more carefully now...
and another thing, i finally asked the question i've always wanted to asked for a few weeks. and when i finally did, to be honest, i didn't like the answer. well... then again i got i high expectations. i gotta stop day dreaming... too many dissappointment in one day...