i had the worst nightmare ever. it's really strange i was going to this place, at first i think i was going to seaworld, but then the sea creatures they had in there were sea monters, they look horrible. there was this one aquarium that u couldn't see the glass at all, it looks as if the fish with the sharp teeth were hanging in the air, i thought it was going to bite me when i ran across it, but someone told me not to worry because there were glasses surround it. and then all of the sudden i was face with the yucky looking squid's tentacles, and someone was admiring it. i tried so hard to recognise who that person was, when all of the sudden someone called to look at the crocs cage, and when i turn around that person whose calling me lifted me up and throwed me to the crocs cage. at that time it felt so real, i can feel the blood rushing to my head, and then stop for a couple of second, i couldn't move my body. but then strange thing happen, in my mind i realised that it was just a dream, and i should open my eyes and everything will be alright, i'm home in my blue room and should be scream so that my parents or my sister would woke me up. but when i tired to scream nothing came out of me, it was only silence, but my mouth was open, not long after that i open my eyes for real... and there i was gazing at the dark in my apartement, i'm still in brisbane and i'm alone... is this what the rest of my life going to be? alone all by myself?