hi everyone, actually i just woke up. it's 7 am and i rushed to get online. why? to check if all my grades are in.... and it did....huh (sigh). and i'm happy, i did well this semester. ouw..but before we moved on i'd better tell you that i'm an underachiever so my grades not really that good, but it's enough for me. i'm aiming it one step of the time. just hope i won't pick a difficult electives next year huhuhuhuhuu..hmm... come to think of it, i wonder if my grades are really really good, will i become snobby? or will i stay the same and keep aiming, keep learning? oh well, no point in guessing what has not happened...
hmm..berhubung gue baru bangun tidur, jadi gue pake bahasa indo ajah ya...gue seneng bgt kmaren nonton Upstairs di senoritar huhuhuhuhuhu...komedi sekali...pas pertama kali mereka main cuman instrument doank gue suka bgt, soalnya gaya2nya kayak daft punk, eh ternyata ada vocalisnya. pertamanya sih sedikit kecewa, soalnya gayanya freak abis, campuran antara andre 3000 ama prince, yup prince...jadi rada2 G gitu terlebih lagi krn dia kurus...huhuhuhuhu... tapi pas dia ngomong...ternyata lebih freak lagi huahahahahahaha..... yg jelas gue ngefans ama Upstairs bukan krn bandnya bagus (terus terang gue nggak ngerti mereka mainin lagu apa.red), tapi karena vocalisnya komedi..huhuhuhu... ntar gue mau nonton Upstairs lagi ah di PL Fair huhuhuhuuhu....
oh iya gue lagi hepi nih soalnya lagi banyak dapet tiket gratisan ... pertama dapet tiket gratis ke senoritar (acara pensi anak tar-q), kedua dapet tiket gratis nonton acaranya kedutaan spanyol, ketiga dapat tiket gratis ke PL Fair...huhuhuhu... udah gitu bisa ketemu upstairs lagi... senang sekali. iya2 gue tau they are not the greatest shows tapi gue seneng ajah, soalnya setidaknya gue ada kerjaan summer ini, weks...summer? berhub gue lagi di jakarta mungkin harusnya gue ngomong musim hujan ini kali ya huhuhuhuhuu...